
Melania trump nude
Melania trump nude

Apparently, even in 2016, once we have seen a woman naked, she is deemed unintelligent, amoral, and, worst of all, “unclassy" - qualities that we view as incompatible with the position of the First Lady. With the ubiquity of internet porn, underboob-baring red carpet trends, and celebrities like Miley Cyrus publicly advocating to #FreeTheNipple, one would think that it wouldn’t be such a big deal in 2016 for a prominent figure to have taken a few harmless softcore photos, especially considering they were taken nearly 20 years ago - at a time when Melania hadn’t yet met her husband, and, you know, Titanic hadn’t even been released yet. The widespread loathing of Melania doesn’t appear to stem from the nature of her actual transgressions, such as her plagiarism of an historic Michelle Obama speech and her controversial comments about not wanting her husband to “change the diapers or put Barron to bed.” It largely derives from the fact that she posed nude for a few photos earlier in her career, a fact that briefly made headlines last August when the New York Post published a series of vaguely titillating topless pics from a 1996 issue of the now-defunct men’s magazine Max. Even relatively innocuous pieces like this USA Today story feel the need to point out that she will become the first First Lady whom we have all seen naked - a lurid piece of trivia, to be sure, but hardly a reflection on Melania’s morals, or what kind of First Lady she will be. Such slut-shaming reached a fever pitch when Melania's husband was actually elected president, with many headlines expressing utter incredulity that a mere trophy wife could ever hold the office of First Lady. The overwhelming consensus among Clinton supporters has been that she’s little more than a high-cheekboned Eastern European former bottle girl who struck gold in the rich-white-husband lottery, who made her way up in the world simply by opening her legs for a guy with the right amount of $100s in his wallet. Never mind the fact that Melania was a successful fashion model long before she married Donald Trump, or that she speaks four languages, or that she’s an entrepreneur who hawks (admittedly very ugly) jewelry on QVC. Earlier this year, for instance, the women’s website Jezebel referred to Melania as “so studiously proud, vapid, and absent that she resists close analysis,” while The Washington Post derisively referred to her as a “ professional pretty person.” Ostensibly liberal people on Twitter have been even more brutal, excoriating Melania by calling her a slut, a bimbo, and a “ dumb cunt.” Melania, 46, has been an object of scorn among many Hillary Clinton supporters for quite some time.

Melania trump nude